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  • Writer's pictureNieves Santos

How I Healed

I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. The cardiologist told me that the electrical part of my heart didn’t work. That was his explanation for what was happening to me.

I suddenly wasn't able to go out and lead my normal life.

My heart would beat too fast, or out of sync and even walking around the house was a lot of work. Lying down was the only solution. I tried a medication. It made my heart go even slower.  I tried a different one, and that seemed to help. But I wasn’t satisfied with the explanation of why my heart suddenly had this electrical problem when it had always worked fine for me.

Being the searcher that I am, I started detective work to find out the cause. After a few months I discovered how heavy metals are so dangerous and completely ignored by the medical community. Some years earlier I had gone to a biological dentist to have my mercury fillings removed. He told me how he was going to do it. I trusted him, with his fancy practice. He called himself a biological dentist, but that was just a name. He removed all my fillings at once. That, I discovered, was not the way to do it. At the most you’d have to have one filling removed a month and take some measure to detox.

 He removed six mercury fillings and gave me  two activated carbon capsules. That's all. 

The mercury vapors from the removal went into my body. This procedure was so intense that the liver, the main organ of detoxification, had to store the mercury to protect my health. This toxic metal stayed in my liver until a trigger appeared a few years later, when we moved to a house that had mold. And that was when I got diagnosed.

It wasn’t easy to discover it by myself, but a great team of holistic practitioners helped me figure the mold part out.

Once I took the measures they suggested, my health improved a little, and of course when I went on holidays I felt really good. Being away from that toxic environment was key. But I was still struggling in spite of taking the proper measures, I became very knowledgeable on removing and protecting myself from mold. But there were still days that I just couldn’t function.

Finally, I came across Anthony William’s book, the Medical Medium. Everything I read immediately resonated with me, especially about the causes of heart palpitations and how mold was a trigger. I understood that even though I didn’t get sick right after the visit to the dentist, the mold was the trigger for my whole body to go into a crisis.

I was so sick that I dove right in and followed Anthony’s recommendations.

I saw results really fast and that made me feel I was on the right track. I started to have energy again. I could make plans without fearing I couldn't follow them through.

I started eating lots of bananas, an average of 3 to 4 a day, and lots of potatoes. I started to lose weight.

I was unlearning lots of things I had been taught at nutrition schools years earlier. The process was fascinating to me because the information was/is so new, so advanced. I had studied in the alternative healing community for years but this information was unique, nowhere to be found. The only resemblance was the old European Naturopathic school, that I remembered learning about in the 80’s and 90’s. 

After less than a year following the Medical Medium protocol, I was able to stop all medication and feel normal, even better than before. My joints didn’t hurt, I was more flexible, my skin looked fantastic and my energy was better than before getting sick.

As a trained Holistic Nutritionist I decided I was going to study all that new information to be able to share it with the world and help lots of people, which is my passion. 

Today I understand health better than ever. I am able to help people who are not getting it from the medical community because their focus is all about diagnosing and medicating, treating symptoms, but not fixing the cause. I have always been my own doctor in that regard, because I know my body better than anybody else. Doctors are experts at finding and diagnosing illness.

We are the ones in charge of maintaining our health.

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